Carol Siciliano-Kilway is the only candidate for Mayor of Tallmadge who has both a vision for our city and a plan to make it happen.

Read on to learn more about Carol's visionary goals for the City of Tallmadge in five critical areas.

Economic Growth

Economic development is the single most important function of the city. It is essential for the financial stability of our community.

  • Create a robust Economic Development Team
  • Invest in Existing Businesses – Work with existing businesses to foster and grow their businesses and remain in Tallmadge. Start with existing Tallmadge businesses to facilitate expansion in Tallmadge and eliminate barriers to their growth in Tallmadge.
  • New Business Development – Work to bring NEW businesses and commercial development to the city. Establish a business incubator so small businesses and artisans have a place to promote and sell their products.  This will build a pipeline for small business development.
  • Smart Redevelopment – Formulate a comprehensive plan for the Summit DD site on North Avenue near the soccer complex. This site is uniquely positioned to enhance the community through business, recreation, parks, residential housing.
  • Support the Arts – Add an Arts Council to the city plan to bring together the nonprofits within our city and expand and coordinate these programs.  

Enhanced City Services

The City of Tallmadge currently provides a high level of city services. However, we need to determine how we can not only continue the existing quality, but enhance the efficiency and streamline the services.

  • Fiber Internet – Further explore the feasibility of adding a fiber internet utility. Explore grant funding options to expand fiber throughout the city. Continue to install fiber when doing utility infrastructure work.
  • Road Repair – Service Director Michael Rorer has been a great addition to the city's team. We need to utilize him more to improve services. We need to aggressively evaluate and develop a long-term strategy to invest funds and not allow the roads to deteriorate.
  • Leaf Collection – Collaborate with the Service Director to increase the frequency of the pickup in all wards and extend the duration of pick-ups, based on the weather conditions.
  • Snow Removal – Increase staffing to facilitate quicker snow removal throughout the whole city.
  • Water Bills – Move to monthly water bills, to ease the burden on residents. 

Improved Quality of Life

  • Park Master Plan – Continue to improve the Park Services based on the Park Master Plan. Finish the enhancements at Lions Park, finish the implementation of the new park at Howe Road (Jaycee Park) and install an ampitheater.
  • Sidewalks – Construct connecting sidewalks along major arteries of our city to improve the walkability of Tallmadge. Add sidewalks to connect neighborhoods with our town center.

Clear Communication

  • City Newsletter – Re-establish a city newsletter that shares city updates and happenings with residents. This newsletter would be mailed out monthly, with water bills. what is going on in the city.
  • Improve Collaboration – Implement mandatory weekly meeting with each each City Council Member to increase communication and collaboration.
  • Bring back 'After Hours with the Mayor'

Fiscal Responsibility

  • Manage Our Budget – Develop a long-term strategy to control costs and pursue savings for the city.
  • Measure What Matters – Develop a series of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that measure the financial health of the city. These KPIs would provide an early warning of issues/problems.
  • Prioritize Safety – Put together a plan of action to continue to fund the Safety Forces and increase personnel as needed.

Do you have an idea to help Carol improve Tallmadge? Share it here!